The news title says nothing and everything :-).
After an PHP update the syntax plugin doesn’t work anymore. I added a better plugin and updated all chapters to display code in a reader friendly way. I also removed the description how to copy source code using the old plugin in the introductory chapter. I adapted code snippet length in some chapters (Chapter 4, Chapter 15). Updated Chapter 18 about music and sound.
I added a new SDL2 powered Free Pascal project: SuperSakura. It’s a nice visual novel engine to run retro-style Japanese games by Kirinn.
I updated some chapters (Introduction, Windows Installation, Linux Installation), mainly because of the repository change to the PGD Community SDL2 units. The units got a lot of updates lately, and help is needed to improve them even further. While this news post was waiting to be published, it appears Tim is back. Now, we have the unfortunate situation that there are two active repositories for the SDL2 headers and the situation has not been resolved, yet.
Also, I changed some stylings.
Just discovered your website … great information. Keep up the good work!
Thanks you :-)!